Monday, December 19, 2011

14 months

Tyler is 14 months old today!  It's so hard to believe our little boy is getting big so fast.  He has gained a little weight but of course his height just keeps shooting up even faster.  He's still a little maniac, climbing on, in and over everything.  Very rarely a day goes by without some kind of injury. He's a tough boy though. He seems to be talking a little more recently and now says hi, mama, dada, dog, what/huh, sissy and has been working on ball, bubba, cat and TOUCHDOWN! lol  He's just too cute. OH and the funniest thing of all is when he say HO! HO! HO! like Santa, he grunts hu hu hu hu hu like Tim Allen on Home Improvement. He's hilarious and we just love him. 

He's been working on getting to know his sister, and when i ask "where's sissy?" he will lift my shirt and poke me in the belly button and say tsi tsi tsi tsi tsi to her.  He gives her kisses and hugs and is generally such a sweet brother. I'm so not ready for her yet, but i can't wait for that moment when he sees her for the first time. I'm tearing up already.

Emily is growing so fast.  I'm 31 weeks now and measuring 33.  She's definitely getting heavy, but no complaints.  I've had a relatively uneventful pregnancy once again and my dr is very pleased with everything so far. We'll see her on ultrasound in 2 weeks and are going to go ahead and monitor her for growth issues and blood pressure issues just in case, but so far so good!  I've gained a total of....23 lbs as of this morning (GAH!!) and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. It's all worth it in the end. We're getting excited as she gets closer to coming.  I haven't done anything to get ready yet but once the holidays have passed, it's baby time!! I'm just so excited to see this baby girl! :)

30.5 week belly pic:
Tyler and Daddy at Christmas with the Mahons on 12/18/11

Tyler and Delaney (missing her 2 front teeth)

the little monkey in his natural state:

Christmas Shopping with Hudson:

And my favorite pic of him decorating the Christmas tree:

Monday, November 28, 2011

november highlights.

Well November sure did fly by. I was busy with holiday photos and other projects so i haven't been around much here lately and when i am I'm either too tired to think or running around after Tyler.

The first weekend in november we stayed home and didn't do a lot. Tyler and I met up with my friend nikki and her son Nate who is tyler's birthday buddy, and her 3 year old Scott. We went to the mall and the boys played.

 Playing at the mall:

Here's tyler in the tub with his new hair cut:

The next weekend we took a hill family trip to the rodeo. Grammy Rita and Grampa Mikey watched Hudson and Tyler and the rest of us went to see the Texas Stampede Rodeo and Josh Turner in concert in Allen. It was fun, first rodeo i can remember going to. I know I've been but i don't remember it, and it was more fun than i though.

Look I can feed myself:

Then it was time for Hudson's first birthday party. On his actual birthday we had dinner at our house and giant cupcakes. Hudson and Tyler enjoyed covering themselves in Elmo red and cookie monster blue frosting. It was pretty cute. Then we put them in the bath tub which was hilarious!!  Hudson's party was lots of fun. He had great cake, good food and tons of presents! He was an adorable little pirate.
This is from the friday before Hudson's party:
After Hudson's party:

Thanksgiving was a wild weekend. Thursday we did dinner with my family, friday we had dinner at chris and jenna's with kathy, mark, trevor and his roomate connor.  Then saturday we had thanksgiving at Rick and Susan's. I really enjoy getting together with everyone but it sure goes fast.  We spent sunday attempting to recoup and we had our pictures scheduled with amber.  Unfortunately the gusting winds and 30 degree temps made that a little difficult so i'm curious to see how those come out.  Probably not real pretty! haha

yeah these two are special:

Thanksgiving belly:
I want thanksgiving NOW:

Uncle B's tooth removal service:
family photo taken in the FREAKING cold:

Now i'm back to the grind with the kiddos, working hard on picture edits and hoping to get some cleaning done around here. We'll see how that goes...wish me luck!!

I'll add pictures later when i have more time.

Monday, November 14, 2011

one year stats

As of your first birthday, Mr. Tyler, here are a few details about your life:

You love playing with your cousins. You give big smiles to hudson every morning, and when Delaney comes to get him at night, you run to her.

You weigh about 18.5 lbs, are 30.5" long and are a skinny, active boy.  You wear 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. You also wear shoes now (even though you hate them)...and are somewhere between a 4 and a 5.

Your favorite foods are: sliced bananas, nutrigrain bars, grilled cheese,  juice and chocolate milk, fruit loops and cheetos.  LOL You like most foods but i know you'll almost always eat those without a fight.

You LOVE to climb on the furniture.  You are all over everything now and it is quite a workout for mommy to keep up with you. You also love anything that is a ball or a car...definitely all boy.

We love you so much little boy! Keep growing up and getting bigger and stronger everyday. You already make us so proud!

birthday party

I'm really late on this! I keep meaning to come do it, but i've just been too tired and lazy.  To keep it short and sweet, it was a fun party.  B made a smoked pork shoulder, i made chicken salad sandwiches and we had a nacho bar and tons of snacks. His party was baseball themed and since our beloved Rangers were in the World Series playoffs again, there was plenty of good baseball stuff to be found! Yipee!

It was a really great day and we so enjoyed being able to celebrate our big boys, big day with all of the people we love so much!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

THe big O-N-E!

Tyler's first birthday was Wednesday October 19th. I could tell he wasn't feeling well that day and he'd been kinda sick the previous 2 days but was acting fine.  So the day went on as normal. We didn't have anythign big planned, since his party was going to be Saturday.  So i picked up some cupcakes at walmart the night before and we just hung around the house.  B had softball that night and the rangers were on, so he and I stayed home and waited for B.  He was super tired and kinda fussy so he was practically asleep when B came in.  we put him in the high chair and sang happy birthday to him and gave him his cupcake. He didn't really eat it since he was pretty tired so we gave him his milk and sat down on the couch to put him to sleep.  Not 5 minutes later he kinda coughed and gagged and i immediately put my hand to his mouth. Then he seemed fine and I said to B, I really thought he was gonna puke. He agreed.  And we kinda relaxed...but not for 15 seconds, because then he hurled all over me and himself. He was so upset and rubbing it all in his face.  UGH no bueno. I can deal with sick kids but it was just pathetic.  So we got him cleaned up and to sleep so i could get in the shower. YUCK YUCK.  He slept all night and was sick and sleeping the next 2 days. Poor baby...what a birthday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cake Smash!

I really wanted to do a cake smash with tyler. So after we got home from the pumpkin patch, we set up a quick little photo shoot in our backyard.  I was semi pleased with how they came out, not bad for something I just threw together.  Here's a couple of my faves:

Pumpkin patch

I've been so busy lately between tyler's party, being pregnant, having 2 kids to take care of, and other stuff i've not udated with all we've been doing, so i'll probably have a few new posts today so as not to overload everyone. 

First up...The Pumpkin Patch.  On Sunday Oct 16th we took Tyler, Hudson and Delaney to the pumpkin patch in flower mound.  This was my first trip too, and it was lots of fun. Can't wait for next year.  We saw little animals at a tiny petting zoo, went on a hayride, picked out some mini pumpkins and found pumpkins bigger than him!  Here's a few pics of the fun he had!!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Sunday we made our family trip to the State Fair of Texas.  This is its 125th anniversary, and we had such a good time.  We didn't get to go last year b/c Brian was afraid i'd give birth in Fair Park, so we had to go this year.  Two years ago we got rained on...and wouldn't you know this was the one weekend it decided to rain again.  We weren't sure if we were crazy for going the day after the OU/TX game, but it turned out to be a good day outside of a little rain.  We went to the petting zoo, ate lots of fried food and got to see Thompson Square play!  The buffalo chicken flapjack on a stick was amazing, probably some of the best fair food ever.  I was psyched about the fried pineapple upside down cake, but it was somewhat disappointing.  Despite being exhausted, tyler was really very good and I'm looking forward to taking both kids next year. B says that isn't happening but right now he's not calling those shots.

Here's a few pics:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

birthday party

Tyler's birthday is in 2 weeks!! This means his part is in 17 days. I'm not all that stressed about him being 1, and I'm not all that stressed about having his party, but i do have a LOT to for it. This weekend i need to go buy card stock for my mom to cut out all of the things for the decorations. I've put Maggie on cupcakes. I was originally going to order them but have decided we can make them just the long as i don't have to do it.  I need to order balloons next week, get the pictures for his birthday banner, and get all of the food purchased!! I've been planning this party for at least 6 weeks now so i'm ready for it to be here! :)  I'm so excited my baby will be one.  Here's a few pics of inspiration from pinterest: