Monday, November 28, 2011

november highlights.

Well November sure did fly by. I was busy with holiday photos and other projects so i haven't been around much here lately and when i am I'm either too tired to think or running around after Tyler.

The first weekend in november we stayed home and didn't do a lot. Tyler and I met up with my friend nikki and her son Nate who is tyler's birthday buddy, and her 3 year old Scott. We went to the mall and the boys played.

 Playing at the mall:

Here's tyler in the tub with his new hair cut:

The next weekend we took a hill family trip to the rodeo. Grammy Rita and Grampa Mikey watched Hudson and Tyler and the rest of us went to see the Texas Stampede Rodeo and Josh Turner in concert in Allen. It was fun, first rodeo i can remember going to. I know I've been but i don't remember it, and it was more fun than i though.

Look I can feed myself:

Then it was time for Hudson's first birthday party. On his actual birthday we had dinner at our house and giant cupcakes. Hudson and Tyler enjoyed covering themselves in Elmo red and cookie monster blue frosting. It was pretty cute. Then we put them in the bath tub which was hilarious!!  Hudson's party was lots of fun. He had great cake, good food and tons of presents! He was an adorable little pirate.
This is from the friday before Hudson's party:
After Hudson's party:

Thanksgiving was a wild weekend. Thursday we did dinner with my family, friday we had dinner at chris and jenna's with kathy, mark, trevor and his roomate connor.  Then saturday we had thanksgiving at Rick and Susan's. I really enjoy getting together with everyone but it sure goes fast.  We spent sunday attempting to recoup and we had our pictures scheduled with amber.  Unfortunately the gusting winds and 30 degree temps made that a little difficult so i'm curious to see how those come out.  Probably not real pretty! haha

yeah these two are special:

Thanksgiving belly:
I want thanksgiving NOW:

Uncle B's tooth removal service:
family photo taken in the FREAKING cold:

Now i'm back to the grind with the kiddos, working hard on picture edits and hoping to get some cleaning done around here. We'll see how that goes...wish me luck!!

I'll add pictures later when i have more time.

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