Wednesday, March 30, 2011


For Christmas Grammy and Grampa got Tyler a walker and at the time I thought it was going to be a long time before he'd use it. Well, it has just been a few months and I decided to put it together this week and see if he could do it.  Surprise! He LOVES it.  It has a really cool keyboard that attaches to the tray that has a piano and a drum and a few other little toys. It plays music, songs and farm animal noises...weird I know.  I think the funniest thing is when he starts biting on it and playing the drums with his face.  He is kinda getting the moving part down too! He's just getting too big, too fast!

So much fun!
He likes playing with just the toy, too.

Here are a few other pics from the last couple of days...I just adore this pic of tyler in the striped PJs, no idea why.  And the pics with the giant Easter egg were from last night when Uncle Johnny stopped by!
 Slobber face

 He and Daddy were playing

 New shades

 Both the color and quality were bad on this one. I like this more I think!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Seems like anytime we go anywhere B is talking about how I'm blinding I bought him some sunglasses. He's not really sure what to think about them but they're funny just the same!

Happy boy

Um, okay you can take these off now.

Hello?! Do you hear me...

Wrestle Mania

We've been joking since before the boys were born that we're gonna have lots of trips to the ER and there is sure to be lots of wrestling, fighting and general boyishness.  Who would have that it would start so early? We put Hudson and Tyler on the floor Friday night and next thing we know Tyler has a hold of Hudson's bib and is trying to pull himself up on top of Hudson, including a face rake and eye grab.  I found myself telling him No already! They are so cute together and it is so cool to have them be so close in age right now...i'm sure there will be many more moments like this.

Shorts & Extreme Couponing

First things first, Tyler wore SHORTS this week for the first time.  So stinking cute!!

Okay, now for the fun part. We started couponing a few weeks ago in an effort to save money both because B is unemployed and because we just needed to cut down on our grocery budge in general; start shopping more and eating out less.  B is pretty good at it, in fact the lady at the grocery store told me I could send him alone b/c he was so good.  I think she just wants to flirt with him without me around! But back to my point. Shopping always seems to wear Tyler out and more often than not he passes out.  I had him forward facing in the Moby since he had just napped and I figured he'd want to look around.  He was great until about 5 minutes before we went to check out and B noticed he was passed out. I had to walk around with my hand on his forehead to keep him breathing for the rest of the trip! Quite funny, and so cute.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Easter pics

I decided I wanted to play around with some Easter pics today just as practice. Unfortunately the wind was not on my side. It was blowing the blankets all around like crazy!  Still got a few cute ones though.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

5 months old!

While we were in Arkansas Tyler turned 5 months old!  This little guy is quite adventurous and is doing more than I could have ever imagined right now.  On our way home he was blowing raspberries quite a bit, turns out he now mimics them and thinks this is really funny.  We spent a lot of time doing it to each other last night and today. He's also started trying to crawl (YIKES) and is getting pretty good at sitting, too! It is crazy how fast he's growing up!  I weighed him at about 15lb 12oz and he's about 26.25" long!  He has now had all stage one foods and he loves pears, prunes, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots and squash.  He also enjoys oatmeal cereal.  He was doing great sleeping through the night last week, the past few nights, not so much. I don't know if he's just off schedule or if he's growing but whatever the case he needs to start sleeping again before Mommy loses her marbles!

Road Trip

We were fortunate enough this week to be able to make a trip out to my grandparent's house in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas.  Wednesday after B's interview we packed up and headed to Sherman so we could leave early Thursday morning.  About 9am we took off (okay so not so early) for the 5 hour trip in the car.  I wasn't sure what to expect having never had Tyler in the car that long. Overall it went okay both ways...just a few minor melt downs, but that is to be expected.  While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house, we played a few games, Dad and B golfed, we enjoyed some St. Patrick's Day drinks and had Friday night pizza.  They loved getting to see Tyler and I'm so glad we were able to get out there!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Izabelle Turns One!

Julie is one of my best friends. We met through mutual friends about 8 years ago and lived together for 2 years in collge. She and I have been through A LOT together over the years.  Today her little girl turns one year old!! It has been an insanely fast year.  When Izabelle was born I was almost 8 weeks pregnant and now Mr. Tyler is almost 5 months old!!  CRAZY!  We celebrated Iza's first birthday on Sunday with Julie and Rene's family.  Julie had a great party for her little girl!

Birthday Balloons
Birthday girl in her hat

Michele's Surprise 40th!

Saturday night we went to Susan's niece, Michele's 40th birthday.  It was a surprise and we had dinner with the Mahon family at Saltgrass in Arlington.  She was surprised and it was a lot of fun!!

Friday night pizza

Friday night we made homemade pizza at Chris and Jenna's.  Delaney had a blast rolling out the dough and making a huge flour mess, Tyler had fun attacking Hudson...and poor Hudson just sat there waiting for someone to rescue him!  Lots of fun!