Monday, January 31, 2011

winter weather on the way

We're preparing for the possibility of more winter weather. Not sure what exactly, but in the event that we get some (who ever knows really) I didn't want to be left with some a bag of golden puffs (ICK) and some packages of tuna. Yeah we need to go grocery shopping.  So anyway Tyler took a nice long nap this morning and after he woke up we went to Target to grab our survival supplies.  We get about a block away when i hear him gag in the backseat.  I was at a stop sign so i turn around and stick my hand back there just in time to grab a handful of barf.  YUM.  So we get to Target and I jump in the back seat and he has barfed all over his blanket, clothes and car seat strap. I clean everything up and change his clothes (in the backseat of my jetta) and we head into the store.  It was a relatively uneventful trip minus the dumb woman trailing me through the store who apparently was in a huge hurry to be in my way. Whatever...  Tyler slept a large portion of the time we were there and then we went to Chick Fil A for some lunch.  He of course woke up and cried in the drive thru...i wonder how many times a day a baby is crying in the back seat in the drive thru line. 

Got home, unloaded all of my belongings and ate lunch with the little guy at the table.  As I've mentioned before he likes to kick it in the bumbo while we eat.  So I watch him worm around so he's hanging over the side of his bumbo, and what do I do?  Well a responsible parent might correct his position (which to my credit...i did) but when that didn't work I grabbed my camera, because it was too funny.  Never you fear, he is always supervised. 

We spent a while hanging out on the floor, playing in the bouncy chair and kicking the vibrator and music on and off.  That was lots of fun, and Tyler laughed quite a bit today.  So then B came home from work, we ate dinner and Tyler pooped at the table again (i wonder if this is goign to be a problem in the future?) and the little guy got a bath.  Now we're patiently waiting for him to decide to go to sleep. Pray for us.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

weekend wrap up

This title reminds me of Kidd Kraddick in the Morning, which is the only thing I miss about getting up and going to work...besides a pay check.

So Friday night was pretty uneventful. Ashley came over and we hung out with the little guy while B played with his gun in the garage. Then he went to get us dinner and Ash got tired so B and I ate chick-fil-a and watched animal hoarders.  My life is SO boring these days.

Saturday I went and tried on bridesmaid dresses with Katie and the rest of the girls for her wedding.  I decided on the strapless number which will arrive in mid to late March.  Daddy and baby were at home left to fend for themselves, and the girls went for a ladies lunch at Olive Garden.  I decided since I was a solo mama, to run by Target for things as well.  Tyler got a VERY cute new shirt that says Hello Ladies.  I just really want to find him a shirt that says I *heart* boobs.  That would be awesome.  Maybe I should just make one. Got home in time to hang with him and B and enjoy the pretty day.  We had a super exciting dinner of Chipotle, which Tyler interrupted for me by demanding my attention, at which point Jenny took it upon herself to save me a few calories and help herself to my guacamole. Lucky me.  That night we were honored to have a visit from Tyler!! We LOVE Tyler and miss her now that she doesn't live here. This was my first time to see her since May, now she's married (I had to miss her wedding b/c of Mr. Man being just 11 days old) and I have a baby!  We got to visit just a little bit and I am so thrilled to get to see her. I miss my friend!

Today B had his CPA exam so I knew it was gonna be interesting.  He woke me up with McDonald's breakfast (mmmmmmm coffee) and some DIY tv.  He went to study and me and the Mr. hung out for a while.  We went and had lunch with some of the fam, and after lunch Jenna and the kids came over to our house since B was gonna be gone and Chris was sleeping. That was lots of fun. We watched some Redneck Comedy Tour, played iPhone games and of course wrestled the two crazy boys.  Then B called and he brought home some Long John Silvers. We also did Delaney's homework and collected as many toilet paper rolls and plastic bottles as we could find.  Man I do have an exciting life?!
 Hudson screaming
 Happy Tyler
 Laney's such a good baby sitter
 goofy kiddos
 Hudson was watching TV
 so cute
 Hi sissy!!
 snuggle bugs
 hey dude
 Uncle B doing the snot sucker
 The boys playing
 What's up buddy?!
 Delaney and Uncle B doing homework

So what's coming up this week.  I have lost my sanity and will have 4 boys to myself tomorrow: 4, 2.5, 1 and 3 months.  Hahaha we'll see if I survive.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I LOOOOVE Fridays.  I love Fridays because it means the weekend is coming and B will get to be home with us for a couple of days.  It does get lonely being at home with an infant and 2 dogs all day.  So when Friday rolls around and he gets off early, it is the highlight of my week.

Today Ashley came over for a visit. She hasn't seen Tyler in a while so it was nice to get to see her. Last time she came by he slept the whole time she was here so I was happy to know that wouldn't be an issue this time.  Turns out she has a calming effect on my child b/c while she was holding him he went right to sleep.  I guess I know who I need to call at 11pm next time he's up screaming and freaking out.  We had a nice visit, even though he puked on her. She is such a sweet friend and I miss it when we don't get to catch up as often.

B studied for a while then went to get dinner and spent some time in the garage playing with his new gun project.  Little man is currently crashed out on the living room floor, and gosh he's so adorable sleeping.   I topped him off with a bottle tonight and he sucked down a 3oz bottle after being on the boob for 3 hours.  Depending on how this goes I may have to start supplementing him more at night with milk I pump in the morning. So fun.  I am not against formula by any stretch but as long as I can keep him just on breast milk I will. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day so I'm hoping we get some good sleep tonight.

Tyler and Ashley

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I need to play catch up today....i feel like i've been a terrible blogger this week. Tyler has been trying my sanity this week.  I love that kid to pieces but whatever is going on with him is just wearing. me. out. Anyway, today we took a few pics outside since it was nice.  He's still getting over the come and go sickness, so i hesitate to let him outside for too long, but some fresh air without the dogs does help both of us!

 mr. smiley
 no autographs please!!

100 days

Tyler was 100 days old yesterday...and he just deleted my whole post. This will have to wait until he's done kicking my keyboard.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

two for tuesday

Here's two sneak peek pics from our Valentine's photoshoot today.

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's 9:30pm, do you know where your child is?

Mine is IN BED....SLEEPING!! It is a small miracle.  No wait, a big miracle.  My kid doesn't sleep...he does not. We fight him tooth and nail to go to bed every night.  Tonight, after bath time, he just passed out.  I guess I wore him out today.  Honestly I think he feels bad.  He even took a  1+ hour nap today too!  But still, I will rejoice in not wanting to cry as I fall into bed. Now if he will just stay can hope. 

We didn't do much today, like i said i think he felt bad. But we did go out and take a few pics in the backyard that I was wanting to try and it was nice weather so we went.  I didn't get what I wanted per se, but I did get a couple of shots that I thought were alright. Other than that we did some tummy time, took a nap, and hung out.  Wish I had more exciting stuff to talk about, but today was just one of those days.

Crap, he's awake.  Thanks neighbor's car alarm.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend update

This weekend I thought it might be fun to do a day in the life of Tyler.  I wanted to pick a day where we had a bit more going on that might be interesting. Let's just say yesterday was an interesting day...

You've already read about the antics last night, so you know how the story ends (more or less)...but we'll start the day from the 5 am wake up cry and journal a few events from the day.

At 5am Mommy's alarm goes off, and by alarm i mean me fussing at her as loud as I can.  When I wake up, I want why bother avoiding the inevitable.  Mommy knows what's good for her, so we go to the living room.  I'll spare you the boob photos, but that's what we do.  Then Mommy usually pumps the other side.

So at 5:15 I went in the swing and when she was done Mommy went back to bed.  Mommy woke up to Daddy leaving for work and then again at around 8:45 we both got up for the day.  We started with some stretching, another feeding, and a diaper change!!

 There's scary mommy!

We played a little and hung out.  I got tired and fell asleep on Mommy.  Jenny and Palin got in trouble for fighting again!

I went back into the swing so Mommy could shower and get ready to go to Grandma's. I woke up around noon and ate again (yeah this kid loves to eat!) Then we had another diaper change and played until it was time to go.

We drove 30 minutes to Grammy and Grampa's house. When we got there Grammy changed my diaper and played with me.  Then I hung out with my Uncle Johnny for a little bit.  I stayed with Grammy while Mommy went to take pictures at a birthday party.  Mostly I just napped.  We don't have any pictures of me sleeping, but I had fun.

Mommy had to come back pretty quickly because she forgot my milk and didn't want me to cry and be mad (or starve).  I woke up right when she got home, and Uncle Johnny came home too! I got to eat and then I hung out with my Uncle Johnny some more.  He's really funny. 

A picture mommy took while she was gone
 Grammy and Me waking up from my nap
Mommy and Grammy then decided to order Johnny Carino's for dinner.  When grandma went to pick it up Mommy changed me into my Tony Soprano outfit, a brown track suit that says Big Guy.  Aunt Madge gave it to me for Christmas.  I looked super cute.

We ate dinner and then Mommy packed up the car. Said bye to Grammy and Grampa and went home to get Daddy and go to Sean's birthday party. We all know how that ended up. After that we went home, I ate and went right to sleep!! It was a great day!