Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy 12 weeks

Happy 12 weeks baby boy! I can't believe it. It seems like such a long and short time at the same time.  I love every second with this kid and I really can't remember what life was like before him. He is amazing.

Today we sent Aunt Maggie back to school. She is in her final semester at Texas A&M in College Station.  She was supposed to leave Sunday but due to the snow she didn't leave until today.  Of course we had to have a blowout for her departure...a blowout of the diaper that is.  I love my baby boy, and my sister.

poop face
 yeah my Christmas decor is still  up...
 i love you aunt madge


  1. OMG I love his poop face!!!! And I love the shirt! Savs has one too!!!! We must take a pic of each of them and photoshop them together!!!!
